Pastebasket Privacy Policy

By submitting any content to Pastebasket servers (pasting a basket) the user agrees to handling their data in the following ways.

What data are we handling

Pastebasket only handles data the user provides to Pastebasket, meaning Pastebasket only collects the title, and content of baskets. Pastebasket does not collect any additional data.

How we use your data

Pastebasket only uses your data to provide the service (Pastebasket). User data is saved on a serverless Postgres database (hosted by Neon), in plain text format, according to their privacy policy here:

User data may also pass trough Pastebasket's back-end service, hosted on Vercel, where Vercel's privacy policy may apply. Learn more about it here:

User data then will be made publicly available for everyone using Pastebasket, or trough Pastebasket's API service. To remove your data from Pastebasket, please get in touch via email at

Further processing of your data

Pastebasket does not process user data further, it remains stored on our database. Pastebasket do not sell your data.